Friday, February 4, 2011

The Move to NYC

Much has happened since I posted last. I really need to make a point to update this blog for not only your reading pleasure, but to remind myself of my journey.

Three weeks ago I moved to New York City. I live in Astoria with Jake and Jacqueline, two of my friends from college. The three of us get along great and I couldn't be happier with our living situation. The energy in the apartment is positive, exciting and supportive. The neighborhood is great. Everything we need is right outside of our door. Our train ride into the city is only about 25 minutes or so.

My mom came up with me the first weekend to help me get settled. She saw the bare, white walls of my bedroom and immediately said: "we're painting". We walked out the front door, went about a block down the street to a hardware store and picked up some paint to match my bedding. That weekend, we turned the empty, white room into a beautiful, calm place for me to feel at home. I am so thankful for all of the hard work she put in with me that weekend.

Usually my mom likes to see at least one show when she comes to the city. This time, she wanted to see Spiderman. We waited out in the cold for HOURS to get Rush tickets (partial-view seating given to the first people in line for a cheap price). My thoughts on the show should be saved for another post. Let's just say I'm glad that was a preview performance and I look forward to seeing lots of changes made between then and the opening.

My first few weeks have been a whirlwind. I'm so happy to be surrounded by my Bama family. We really have a special group of people who support each other and believe in each other. Nothing worth having comes easy, and we know it. We pick each other up and keep each other going. I already know I couldn't fight for my dreams without these people in my life.

I've been to quite a few auditions. I was quickly thrown into the rules of equity and learned the hard way when an ECC list goes up. I was 'typed out' of two auditions, which means they look at you or your headshot before they ask you to sing. It sucks, but at least they don't waste your time.

I have had a handful of jobs. I was a dog walker for a week. I walked a beautiful, sweet English Bulldog named Daisy. It was the second week I was here. I got to walk her through Central Park and it was a great way to spend a half hour of my day. Unfortunately, with the commute and the time they wanted her walked, it just put a chunk of unusable time in my afternoon. I sadly had to stop walking Miss Daisy. My other dabble at a day job was quite the experience. I was one of THOSE people... "Excuse me... do you like stand-up comedy?". I froze my butt off for hours trying to talk to people who didn't want to talk to me. It was terrible.

This week I got a front desk position at a Doggie DayCare. It's called Ritzy Canine Carriage House. I started training today. I worked at a doggie daycare, Camp Bow Wow, in New Orleans and I absolutely LOVED it. It will be fun to be in that environment again. Another perk is that they have been great about the scheduling. They know why I am in New York and have given me 3 days in the middle of the week each week to audition. I really think this will be a good opportunity for me!

To add to my good week, I got my first callback! It's for Jan in Grease at Tuacahn Amphitheatre in Utah. The callback is tomorrow. I'm really excited to be given this opportunity. No matter what happens, the callback alone is just what I needed at this time.

Week 3 has been a great week! I'm ready for what's ahead.


  1. So great to hear you're off to a running start. Send me some info on your doggie day care. It's probably way out of the way for us and Margot, but it never hurts to be aware of places. Congrats on the callback. One of these days, when I get enough of these writing projects squared away, I'll be out there, too. SCARY!

  2. Sean! For some reason I don't get an email when I get a post! Sorry it's taken me a while. It is called Ritzy Canine. On 40th between 3rd and Lex. Daycare is pretty expensive, but if you're going away and need to board, I think it's reasonable. Or you could just get me to petsit! hah
