Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dashing Through New York

So after working Friday-Tuesday I had a busy day of auditions today. I woke up at 6:30 this morning to go sign up. When my audition buddy Allison and I got to Pearl Studios to sign up for North Shore Music Theatre, we were towards the end of the line in one room. Then it seemed as if the floodgates opened and another room had to be opened for people to line up in. I'm so glad we got there when we did. When you go to sign up for an EPA, the first 30 people or so get chairs around the perimeter of the room. After that, everyone is zig-zagged through the room. I think they crammed close to 70 of us the room this morning.

I signed up for a 3:50 appointment for North Shore. Then I went a block down to Ripley-Grier to see what the sign up was like for Barnstormers. The line was ridiculously long and they were only doing one musical, Charlie Brown. So I decided to skip that one and run to Actor's Equity to sign up for Cape Playhouse. I got there and there were still lots of times available and I was able to sign up for a 4:30 slot.

After signing up, I went home to take a nap. I didn't set my alarm because I thought it would just be a snooze. I shot out of bed at 2:15, freaking out!!! I thought my first appointment was for 3:30 (it was actually for 3:50). You have to be there 10 minutes before your scheduled time. I threw my dress on, layered myself for the weather, ran the straightener quickly through my hair and ran out the door. I got there just in time to turn in my headshot and resume for the 3:30 group. I was then informed that I was in the 3:50 group. Oops! At least I had time to catch my breath.

My group was finally called. I was more nervous about missing my 4:30 appointment time for the next audition then I was about the audition itself. The guy in front of me and I quickly realized we were both in the same predicament and decided he would wait for me and we would cab it together to Actor's Equity. My audition at North Shore went well. I ran out of the door and my new friend was waiting there, jumping up and down for me to hurry. They held the elevator and off we went.

We busted out of the front door of Pearl Studios and ran to the the street in search of a cab. We quickly found one and asked him to take us to 46th and 7th Ave. He agreed to 46th and 8th Ave. My new friend, Justin, paid for the cab and said "Hurry baby!! We've got five minutes! Time to sprint!" We then RAN down 46th Street from 8th Ave, dodging tourists and Scientologists (the Scientology building is on 46th) to Actor's Equity. I was praying, "Dianna... please don't fall or sprain your ankle. You can do this!" We made it JUST in time!

Turned in my headshot and resume. Then our names were called to get in line for our 4:30 time. Justin told me the alternate list for the company in the next room, St. Michael's Playhouse, was empty and that I should go sign up! So I did. I went in to the Cape Playhouse audition room. The Artistic Director is also an accompanist, so he was the only person in the room. He was so nice. After I sang, he asked about school and where I was from and how long I'd been up here. He noticed that I have a second degree in Public Relations and said that with my second degree and my accent, people would love me. I said thanks. hah!

As soon as that audition was over, I stepped on over to St. Michael's and was in the next group. That audition also went well. I sang the same song at all three auditions today. "Ireland" Reprise from Legally Blonde. The gentleman at St. Michael's said how much he loved the song and was very nice.

All in all it was a successful day! I felt great about all of the auditions and know that I did my absolute best. And I made a new friend: Justin! I owe him a cab ride.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Typed IN?!?!?!?

So I'm finally starting to fall into a routine. I'm finished training at my new job. I start on Friday as an official employee! I will be working Friday-Monday and auditioning Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

I'm trying to average four to five auditions a week. I feel that if I can keep this up, something is bound to work out eventually... right??? (*fingers crossed*)

I've been in the city for a month now. Tuesday morning I woke up at 4:15 AM and went to the Actor's Equity building to stand in line for Agents Access Auditions. About once a month some agents come to AEA and we get to audition for them. They only sign up 50 auditionees and 50 alternates. I was 4th in line. I froze along with my new actor friends for two hours. Equity is nice enough to have "winter hours" when it's cold. They let us in at 7:30 and then we get to wait the reminder of the time in the warmth of the lounge. So sign up was at 8:30, then I went home and crashed before the audition that night. We were supposed to present our strengths so I sang "Old-Fashioned Love Story". I think it went well!

Today I had two auditions. One was this afternoon, an appointment for TriArts Sharon Playhouse, they are doing Hairspray. Another was this morning for the 2nd National Tour of Wicked.

Just in case anyone reads this blog and maybe doesn't know all of the audition terminology, I'm going to break it down here... If you know it, just scroll down.

There are two types of Equity auditions: EPA- Equity Principal Audition, ECC- Equity Chorus Call.
For an EPA, members arrive early the day of the audition and wait in line to sign up for an audition time. You can sign up for any time that day, which is great if you want to sign up for specific times because of work or other things. Then you just come back 10 minutes before your audition time. This is for men and women.
For an ECC, members are able to sign up on a list that is posted a week before at the Equity office. This is broken up by Males and Females: Singers who Dance and Dancers who Sing. On the day of the audition, members go to the holding room 30 minutes before the audition time. The list is read. Sometimes the list could have 400 people on it. Not all of those girls show up or some people sign their friends up so one girl's name could be on the list 3 times. If you aren't there when your name is called, you have to get to the end of the line of the women who didn't sign up before then.

At an ECC, there is something called "typing". This happens when there are lots of ladies there and the casting directors don't want to waste their time or yours. A lot of the time they are looking for something very specific (i.e. ethnic girls... tall, lanky girls... etc.) So they take you in the room with 20 other girls. You stand there in front of them. The accompanist plays a little diddy on the piano and they ask you to talk amongst yourselves. At this point the people at the table go through your headshots, they might look at you as well, and make a stack of who they want to hear sing and who they don't want to hear sing. (The girl next to me said one time she was in the ladies room when her group went in and she got 'typed in' even though she wasn't even in the room. THEY LITERALLY JUST LOOK AT HEADSHOTS SOMETIMES.)

So... after all that explanation... they were typing for Wicked today. And I was thinking "Shit. I just want them to hear me sing." And wouldn't you know..... I GOT TYPED IN! That was a very small, but exciting victory for me. It was the first time I got typed in. It tells me that just because my body type may be different doesn't mean I won't be needed. I was so excited! I sang for them, and I think it went well! Regardless, I got to sing! It was a good day!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Move to NYC

Much has happened since I posted last. I really need to make a point to update this blog for not only your reading pleasure, but to remind myself of my journey.

Three weeks ago I moved to New York City. I live in Astoria with Jake and Jacqueline, two of my friends from college. The three of us get along great and I couldn't be happier with our living situation. The energy in the apartment is positive, exciting and supportive. The neighborhood is great. Everything we need is right outside of our door. Our train ride into the city is only about 25 minutes or so.

My mom came up with me the first weekend to help me get settled. She saw the bare, white walls of my bedroom and immediately said: "we're painting". We walked out the front door, went about a block down the street to a hardware store and picked up some paint to match my bedding. That weekend, we turned the empty, white room into a beautiful, calm place for me to feel at home. I am so thankful for all of the hard work she put in with me that weekend.

Usually my mom likes to see at least one show when she comes to the city. This time, she wanted to see Spiderman. We waited out in the cold for HOURS to get Rush tickets (partial-view seating given to the first people in line for a cheap price). My thoughts on the show should be saved for another post. Let's just say I'm glad that was a preview performance and I look forward to seeing lots of changes made between then and the opening.

My first few weeks have been a whirlwind. I'm so happy to be surrounded by my Bama family. We really have a special group of people who support each other and believe in each other. Nothing worth having comes easy, and we know it. We pick each other up and keep each other going. I already know I couldn't fight for my dreams without these people in my life.

I've been to quite a few auditions. I was quickly thrown into the rules of equity and learned the hard way when an ECC list goes up. I was 'typed out' of two auditions, which means they look at you or your headshot before they ask you to sing. It sucks, but at least they don't waste your time.

I have had a handful of jobs. I was a dog walker for a week. I walked a beautiful, sweet English Bulldog named Daisy. It was the second week I was here. I got to walk her through Central Park and it was a great way to spend a half hour of my day. Unfortunately, with the commute and the time they wanted her walked, it just put a chunk of unusable time in my afternoon. I sadly had to stop walking Miss Daisy. My other dabble at a day job was quite the experience. I was one of THOSE people... "Excuse me... do you like stand-up comedy?". I froze my butt off for hours trying to talk to people who didn't want to talk to me. It was terrible.

This week I got a front desk position at a Doggie DayCare. It's called Ritzy Canine Carriage House. I started training today. I worked at a doggie daycare, Camp Bow Wow, in New Orleans and I absolutely LOVED it. It will be fun to be in that environment again. Another perk is that they have been great about the scheduling. They know why I am in New York and have given me 3 days in the middle of the week each week to audition. I really think this will be a good opportunity for me!

To add to my good week, I got my first callback! It's for Jan in Grease at Tuacahn Amphitheatre in Utah. The callback is tomorrow. I'm really excited to be given this opportunity. No matter what happens, the callback alone is just what I needed at this time.

Week 3 has been a great week! I'm ready for what's ahead.