Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New Blog

So I decided to start a blog. Here it goes.

I haven't really decided what this blog will include, or how formal/informal I will make it. Part of me wants to tell tales of tonight and the stripper who showed up at the bar we went to, but part of me thinks that might not be the best story to tell for my first blog post....

I am currently rehearsing for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. We move down to Gulf Shores on Sunday! I cannot wait! The show is going to be FANTASTIC! Tomorrow night is our Tuscaloosa preview, so I'm looking forward to an audience.

Right now I'm sitting on my couch watching Celebrity Apprentice from two weeks ago. Not a fan of Bret Michaels. Something about the bandana and the eyeliner that I can't get over...

Roll Tide.

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